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33 bimbo com's - 13 amis
ninine621 , - 5/07/2012 18:08 :

trop belle ta bimbo !!

cheril1887 , - 3/07/2012 10:09 :

lydia you don t see yesterday teacher of physique doesnt wantsay the true

cheril1887 , - 1/07/2012 21:37 :

lydia are you ok you are so beautiful i like it valide this coms ok

cheril1887 , - 29/06/2012 10:33 :

what a beautiful bimbo are you ok yesterday my mother speak whit your mother and says give to lydia doliprane are you ill

cheril1887 , - 28/06/2012 11:45 :

slt lydia ca va super bimbo passe voir mon profil et lis ma description elle va re plaire bisous see you soon

cheril1887 , - 21/06/2012 09:01 :

hi are you ok you know you cant give bimbo or to another bimbo i ask a bimbo who is in round91 and she says that we cant give bimbo or to another bimbo im so sorry baye

cheril1887 , - 20/04/2012 11:00 :

belle bimbo


LILI2000072 , - 17/03/2012 18:23 :

très belle bimbo


tarrinna , - 23/02/2012 17:28 :

bell bimbo

mandinete je veux dire a toute les bimbos merci et vous toutes ravissante ossi
- 1/09/2011 11:03
tarrinna , - 28/08/2011 14:56 :

je trouve c te cool comme bimbo et cousine continut comme sa

tulaya , - 26/08/2011 16:03 :

Joli bimboo ^^


mandinete merci a tout ceux qui me soutiennent et sachez que ci vous avez une question posez la moi
- 25/08/2011 19:38