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1 496 bimbo com's - 10 amis
mimina20117 les bitchies
- 10/01/2013 22:22
mimina20117 j'aime pas
- 10/01/2013 22:21
- 10/01/2013 22:20
mimina20117 les best amies for ever
- 10/01/2013 22:20
mimina20117 me and ines+sherazed+laura+sophie+mel ina+dina+oceabe+mira+nina
- 10/01/2013 22:20
mimina20117 laiss la drama tombeè cherie
- 10/01/2013 22:19
mimina20117 pk tu fait sa
- 10/01/2013 22:19
mimina20117 hèhèhèhèèh mon ancienne amie aude
- 10/01/2013 22:19
mimina20117 i love them all
- 10/01/2013 22:18
mimina20117 but cuzz i'am good one i make new girls
- 10/01/2013 22:18
mimina20117 and you 're nerfusse from me until now
- 10/01/2013 22:17
mimina20117 but we trepped some drama
- 10/01/2013 22:17
mimina20117 my first friend was you aude
- 10/01/2013 22:17
mimina20117 and it's the life
- 10/01/2013 22:16
mimina20117 and we ùake another freinds
- 10/01/2013 22:16
mimina20117 after we lose them
- 10/01/2013 22:15
mimina20117 we found some gu'ys
- 10/01/2013 22:15
mimina20117 rien pour dire
- 10/01/2013 22:15
mimina20117 c' la vie
- 10/01/2013 22:15
mimina20117 hhhhhh
- 10/01/2013 22:15